Sunday, January 6, 2019

Ascension is hard

Ascension is hard. It take effort everyday to change patterns you may have had for lifetime, to let go of wrongs others have done to you, to understand and feel for the ones wringing you, to stand alone in your new views of the world, to lose family and friends because they are not good for you, to stop the ego stories....

The key here is to keep going. And to question yourself. Why am I hanging on to these people, places, job, foods, ideas if they are hurting me? Wouldn't it be easier to trust all will work out and not stress about it? What happens if I lose that person? Will I die or will a better person come that matches my vibration better? Attachment serves no one. If you let go of the fear of lose and the anger of whatever past you have you open the doors to an amazing life of ease. You must allow yourself to be strong. Allow yourself to flow with life. 

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