Monday, January 7, 2019


We live in an age where we disempower ourselves and others. We don't just allow this we ask for it. Instead of asking ourselves what is good for us we ask everyone else. We demand more and more laws and rules to keep everyone safe and in line. Placing the ones who follow the rules in a tighter box. The ones who don't follow the rules will do what they want anyway. Empower yourself with your own rules. If you think something is not good don't do it.

Remember once upon a time cigarettes were considered a good idea and recommended by those you want to tell you what is safe.... Empower yourself with your own research.

We also ask for others to save us from situations. This includes cops, god, and world leaders. You have all the power within you to change your situation. You just lack the will and drive to actually take responsibility for your life and make the change.

Example of this is we all know someone that hates their job maybe its you.... They complain and complain yet never make the actual step to change this. That step being get another job!!!! Do something that makes you happy. Oh there are a million reasons why this can't happen and they will tell you all of them. But the main reason that is never stated they lack the self empowerment to change. Take back your power. Stop waiting for some power to come and change life for the better.

You have 2 choices in life take action or don't. You can take steps today to make your life better. Or you can wait and see if someone will do it for you and complain the whole time.

I will leave you with a quote from my dad. Who he got if from I'm not sure, but its an old good quote...

"You can want in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up faster." One hand you are wait for something. The other you are taking action.

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