Saturday, January 19, 2019

Archangel Michael- be careful

Archangel Michael is a collective (Alpha Omega Centaurian Andromi Anunnaki Drakonian) control program. This program is sent here for channels to pick up from parallel Earth. This is one of the largest false DNA activation and ascension programs out there.

The goal in running false activations is to cause a Monadic Reversal. It reverses the Fire Letter Sequences in the human DNA. Fire letters are 12 dormant gene codes in the DNA. Also called Genetic Time codes, Codes of Transmutation, and Fire Codes. Collectively known as the Silicate Matrix or the Crystal Gene. This is the original gene construction of the human. Each one of the DNA strands corresponds to a fire letter code and a dimension. These are how the DNA strands plug into each other. Without these the body will become locked in a dimension.

These programs are being run by Anunnaki (Sirius A, Arcturian, & “Galactic Federation”) and Pleiadian-Nibiruian (Anu-Seraphim
Aquatic-ape-hominid) Anunnaki-Drakonian-Reptile hybrid races. These programs are to assist the Fallen Angelic mission in taking over Earth's shields and star gates. These programs draw you in with kind words, easy activations, and ego stroking statements. You can activate your DNA by working through your lessons, showing love to all, and connecting with your soul matrix.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Plasma body breathing

If your having trouble seeing your aura and energy try this:

1. Stand in front of the mirror
2. Take a few breaths
3. Breath up energy from the krystal river in the earth (Plasma river that goes from above the north pole through the earth and out the south pole to sun 8. River for ascension.) to your heart center.
4. Hold breath
5. On the exhale push out the energy out from your heart center to your plasma body.
6. Do this a few times. What happens is as you push energy out to the plasma body it expands. As you breath in it comes in close. If you hold your breath at the end of the exhale it will keep expanding asorbing energy. The plasma body has feelers on I guess what would be its skin. They go out as you breath out collecting energy. As you breath in they go in giving you energy. Try breathing this way in nature.

I see a golden color of energy around my body. I'm curious to know what colors everyone else sees. Let me know💚😀

This is where I got the idea from. Great healing meditation.

Emotion mutations

We do not interpret emotions the way we were designed to. Due to a mutation within the DNA. The sequence in which codes were supposed to be activated for the emotion sense is out of wack. Our emotions come through the fight or flight program. This along with the human attitude of emotional repression causes explosive emotions.

The intuition program was introduced to help balance the emotional overload on the fight or flight program. We as humans are at the point of evolution of integrating this intuition program. Allowing a deeper understanding of the emotions and what they are trying to tell us. Giving us the ability to pause and ask questions about emotions. To gain understanding of not only us but everyone else.

The emotions are meant to give us a fuller sensory picture of the world around us. Emotions are another evolutionary step. Empaths and intuitive people are well on their evolution path. You can be too. Allow your emotions to come but try not to react or at least come back from a reaction quickly. Asking why am I feeling this. Then explain to others how you feel so we may all learn from the emotion.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Easy before sleep manifestation

Before you sleep get into a protective meditation state. If you don't have a technique for this see yourself connected to the Earth's core. Breath in the energy of the earth into your heart center. As you breath out see the energy encircling you.

Now take this time to think about how you want the world to be. What would change for it to be perfect. Feel it changing. Feel the joy of this, the love. Now breath in again hold as long as you can (building energy) then release into the 4th dimension to be manifested.

You may manifest this way with any goal. I've been doing something simular to this since I was little. Though I didn't know what I was doing until not to long ago.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Send protection to crazy drivers

When out and about in this crazy world we encounter people being in a hurry. With this hurry they act crazy and sometimes dangerous especially while driving. They jet out in front of cars, cut people off, ride your butt...

When we see this we get upset. Try to flip this upset to concern. Send them energy or thoughts to protect them and all who encounter them. Send them thoughts of being better prepared so next time they aren't late.

We have all had life toss situations in our way that cause us to run late. We know how it is. Show sympathy, stay out of their way, and send some protection.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Increase energy flow

I discovered this by accident when I was trying to heal a migraine. I had my feet soaking in a Epsom salt and pink salt bath. I started to run healing energy to my head. It took about 30 seconds and the power in the living room (where I was sitting) went out. Just in this room. My kids were like what just happened. I took my feet out of the water to finish the healing after resetting the breaker.

Weeks later I tried this again. This time the kids were at school. Again power went out. I didn't notice and keep the energy flowing. This time it effected a few miles. The kids came home from school and instantly asked if I had been using energy healing while soaking my feet again.

Give it a try. Epsom salt and pink salt are both good for clearing your energy bodies.  They also detox the physical body so you have nothing to lose 😀💜 found at most stores in the US. Epsom salt will be with bath stuff. Pink salt with normal salt. You can use sea salt if you can find pink.

Monday, January 7, 2019


We live in an age where we disempower ourselves and others. We don't just allow this we ask for it. Instead of asking ourselves what is good for us we ask everyone else. We demand more and more laws and rules to keep everyone safe and in line. Placing the ones who follow the rules in a tighter box. The ones who don't follow the rules will do what they want anyway. Empower yourself with your own rules. If you think something is not good don't do it.

Remember once upon a time cigarettes were considered a good idea and recommended by those you want to tell you what is safe.... Empower yourself with your own research.

We also ask for others to save us from situations. This includes cops, god, and world leaders. You have all the power within you to change your situation. You just lack the will and drive to actually take responsibility for your life and make the change.

Example of this is we all know someone that hates their job maybe its you.... They complain and complain yet never make the actual step to change this. That step being get another job!!!! Do something that makes you happy. Oh there are a million reasons why this can't happen and they will tell you all of them. But the main reason that is never stated they lack the self empowerment to change. Take back your power. Stop waiting for some power to come and change life for the better.

You have 2 choices in life take action or don't. You can take steps today to make your life better. Or you can wait and see if someone will do it for you and complain the whole time.

I will leave you with a quote from my dad. Who he got if from I'm not sure, but its an old good quote...

"You can want in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up faster." One hand you are wait for something. The other you are taking action.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Ascension is lonely

Ascension seems so lonely I know I'm living it. No one seems to understand what you are talking about. Or maybe you don't say anything about what you are learning because it seems crazy to most. In fact Sometimes it seems crazy to you, but it feels right. So you keep learning. Are you going insane or are you evolving? Does it matter? Now that you are walking this path and working through issues do you feel better? Do you have a since of purpose? If we just live and die as a lot believe then why does it matter if your wrong?

Sometimes you are living a double life. One moment you are walking you spiritual path being multidimensional. The next you are hanging with friends being 3rd dimensional. This is ok.

At some point it will become painful to live this way. This is your point of self integration. You are bringing your many personalities you show to different people together. Slowly show the ones you love the new you. Some will not like it. Its ok one day they will see or maybe this is not their path. And some will embrace the new you. Keep these people around.

Ascension is hard

Ascension is hard. It take effort everyday to change patterns you may have had for lifetime, to let go of wrongs others have done to you, to understand and feel for the ones wringing you, to stand alone in your new views of the world, to lose family and friends because they are not good for you, to stop the ego stories....

The key here is to keep going. And to question yourself. Why am I hanging on to these people, places, job, foods, ideas if they are hurting me? Wouldn't it be easier to trust all will work out and not stress about it? What happens if I lose that person? Will I die or will a better person come that matches my vibration better? Attachment serves no one. If you let go of the fear of lose and the anger of whatever past you have you open the doors to an amazing life of ease. You must allow yourself to be strong. Allow yourself to flow with life.