Monday, July 9, 2018

Eclipse Activation

Every eclipse is a chance for activation. The activations are based on what sign the eclipse is in , what planets are close by making patterns with the eclipse, and if the eclipse has a full moon or new moon with it. The new moon will bring in new beginnings. The full moon will clear out the old.

The next eclipse is on July 12th. This eclipse also comes with new moon energies. This is a time of new beginnings. This eclipse will allow us to shake off the old and start to learn new things.

We are being asked to honor who we are today and how far we have come. We are also asked to notice where we are going in life. Think of the parts of you you have been wanting to change. Look back over you life where did this start? What was the worse time for this? Now think of how far you have come. What has improved? You have done great so far. All is asked of us is to be better then we were yesterday.

Now after seeing how far you have actually came you can start to see where you want to go. Trying everyday to catch yourself in the old patterns. Making a mental note of these. Then change your mood in that moment. Asking forgiveness and letting it go. Change cones in baby steps. Soon you will be able to catch the behavior before it even starts. Then shifting your mood before you even act.

Use this as a meditation piece.
This can be looked at, held, hold your hand over or colored (link below). Use the symbol in the middle to write on your hand or a paper and placed in your pocket to bring in the activations.

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