Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Dolphin Matrix and Chakra Connection

This channeled coloring grid is to connect to the Dolphin Matrix and Chakra. The chakra is located within the earth below the Earth Star chakra.

-this attunes us to the central star started within the Dolphin brain. Connecting us to our Monad. Assisting us in sacred wisdom.

- awakening unconditional love, the true self (Monad), and inner Divinity.

Use in meditation, crystal gridding, look at, hold hand over.

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Dolphins come from Sirius B. They are here to anchor light within the oceans. This assist in the Ascension of Earth and us. They protect and work with the energy vortexes within the oceans. When jumping and spinning they create vortexes. These enhance the energy of the whole pod. This also energizes the earth vortexes shifting the energies. They are amazing ascended brings.

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