Sunday, June 3, 2018

Parent Advice

Warning this post contains truths that some younger viewers may not want to here. Use caution when reading this around little ears.

I'm going to share a hard reality I had to face in hopes you won't have to feel the heart break my family did. I have always been honest with my kids to an ability they could understand. I try to never lie to them and always stick to my word. However, we live in a society that does lie to kids. I as a parent I participated in this mass lie because with it comes amazing magic too. The lie is the Easter Bunny, tooth fairy, and Santa.

Without even thinking about these magical stories as being a lie I carried out the traditional aspects of my family and tossed in a few of my own. When I started this I was not awake nor was I religious. I was just doing what my parents did. Not once did I think I was hurting my kids. We had fun and made amazing memories.

Then I put them in public school. Within a few months this magical time became a painful time as my kids found out Santa was a lie. I don't ever remember being hurt when I found out. My youngest and most emotionally sensitive son was devastated I had lied. Everything I had ever told him he thought was a lie. He stopped healing work, meditation, everything I believed in.

This heartache was not just his alone. My other son was upset too. I was crushed that I had caused so much pain to both my boys. Parents the awakened kids are not like us. They want the truth up front. They cannot understand why we are living so happily in so many lies. Many parents are experiencing this same thing.

Years went on and my son became more and more "asleep". I continued with my healing works and way of life inviting him to joy, but never pushing. This was his choice and the path he wanted to walk.

Within the last few months he has started to slowly and carefully come back to the awakened side. Questioning everything I say wanting proof others think this way. I offer him proof that I do have, but also tell him we are moving into a time where there are a lot of people thinking a lot of things. We need to take everything in and see if it feels right. If it does hold on to it longer if not let it go. What others think really doesn't matter. 

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