Saturday, February 2, 2019

Flower of life is not good

The flower of life is a tool of the service to self side. This has been going on for billions of years. Which is why we see this symbols all over in different times of history. Do not take my word for it research look within and then decide. Look up daisy of death or death star merkaba. For a summed up version read below...

The flower of life and teachings based on it are not teaching you to ascend. They are actually teaching you how to damage your merkaba and stop ascension. The diagonals in the flower of life are at 60 degrees. This is a metatronic code (yes as in metatron. We will get to that later). This creates a structure that will become cut off from source. Krystiac eternal life structures are at 45 degrees. This ensures source light can flow through.

The unnatural merkaba is of a lower frequency, self-consuming, and consuming of other organic systems in order to self-sustain. This merkaba spins in reverse. This causes a de-evolutionary cycle where the being is unable to receive source light. The beings template and seed atom will implode. They will return to source in stardust. Returning to source fragmented.

A natural merkaba is Higher Frequency, Self-perpetuating, Eternal, naturally a part of the D-12 Christos Divine Blueprint for our
Time matrix. This is the way of ascension, returning to source whole.

Without going into full detail the metatron collective are cut off from source by their own doing. All things need energy from source to live on. This collective found a way to live by taking source energy from others. By using the flower of life and techniques based on it you are trapping your source energy so they may take it.

It is advised to use Maharic Shield (search that too. Be careful I have seen different versions of this use one that starts with one white merkaba and one silver merkaba that join together. I have not researched if using just the light silver is harmful or not.)

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