Sunday, July 15, 2018

Master Your Reality

Start to master your reality with a few simple tricks. First you should realize that your subconscious mind is in charge of cheating your reality. See our post on that here the subconscious mind. So in order to master your reality you will need to take back control of your subconscious mind. This just takes practice and self control. It takes 21 days for the subconscious mind to form a new habit. So you will have to be patient with yourself. You may and most likely will slip and forget to consciously take control of your subconscious mind. This is ok and normal.

Below you will find a few helpful tricks to assist you in starting to take control. This is also the start of more self love. Also enjoy our coloring pages to help you. Hang them on your wall as a reminder.

1. First controlling your emotions. Emotions are key to creating your reality. These are the single most important thing in manifestation. They hold about 85% of your creation power. You can try to draw or write down your feelings. When you have a big emotion and you want to act in a way that is not right for the situation like hitting when mad then pause and write it down. Getting yourself to pause it very hard I know. So you may have to start writing down your feelings after the actual action. This is ok right now. Seeing the wrong after the fact is the start of change. No one has to see this paper. In our house we are going to be burning these on the full moon. The full moon is a time of release and clearing the old. This allows a physical action in releasing these big emotions. Until the full moon the kids have lock boxes to kept their deepest feeling so no can see. 

2. Next it is good to realize you have a mind, but you are not your mind. This statement is talking about the ego. The ego is a program of the subconscious mind that likes to highjack the mind and create realities. It is your job to stop this. First what does the ego controlling the mind look like? This is the voice that says nothing is your fault, someone is out to get you, you need to get someone back, someone deserved what you did to them... and so on. This ego voice will replay moments in your mind making you stay in a mad, sad, or hurt emotional state. You will need to say, "NO MORE EGO! I am going to be the bigger person and walk away. I am going to act out of love. I am going to try to understand the other persons side...." or something like that.
3. I have emotions, but I am not these emotions. This statement is talking about those of us that are using our emotions to explain who we are. One of my sons is angry a lot. He uses this anger to explain who he is. He says he is just an angry person. This is not true he is also very kind and loving. This is true with all people we may use one emotion a lot, but we also use others too. The trick here is to catch yourself being some other emotion. This will start to shift you out of the main emotion. Parents do this with your kids. Point of the good emotions to them and how much you like to see them. After the shift starts you can then start to see you are a soul. You are an amazing creator being. You are worthy of love because you are love.

4. I have a behavior, but I am not the behavior. This is for those who act out a lot and identify with this behavior as who they are. Like my son again he acts out, not as much as he used to. Because of many years of many freak out everyday he has become to himself a bad kid. To start to shift this you will need to catch yourself making good choices. Parents this is important. Catch them being good as much as possible. Reward this. Make a big deal out of it. Make it sometimes that is wanted. Lots of love. If you are changing yourself reward your self. Take extra time to love yourself. Make a big deal out of it.

5. Protect yourself from others emotions. If you are an empath this is very important. It is important to all too. This is very simple. See a wall, bubble of light, metal shield or whatever works for you around you. If you are an empath try to keep this up all the time when around others then ground yourself a lot. I used to ground every time I walked into the bathroom ( the only time I was alone away from the kids.) If you are not an empath just keep this up when others are have emotions you don't like. The key here is to set the intention that this bubble keeps out negative emotions turning them to light and allows loving emotions in. 

6. This last trick is a thought control trick. Your ego and subconscious mind gets stuck in thought loops. I like to think of the mind as a computer. You have many windows open at once. Do you ever notice a song is playing in your mind behind other thoughts? This is a different window up just like the computer. So every so often we need to go through a consciously close these windows. Sometimes these windows pop to the front. They may be negative thoughts. Stop that thought and turn it to a positive thought. 

Example: You are thinking I suck at baseball. Start to think with practice I can get better at baseball. Maybe go on youtube at look up videos of pointers on how to be better at baseball. Go out at practice the parts you are not so good at. Notice Yourself being better. Unless you really don't care if you are good at baseball or not. Then say it is ok to not be good at baseball I don't like to play it anyway. 

Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Subconscious mind

You can think of the body as a living computer. The subconscious mind is the storage place for all the computer programs. The subconscious mind makes sure these programs are running.

The subconscious minds jobs

1. The memory card for all happenings within this life.

2. Runs the body

3. Works 24 hours a day.

4. Works with the law of attraction

5. Controls the inner senses and abilities. Like visualization and psychic abilities.

6. Creates cords from a person to another or to objects.

7. Create reality

The programmers of the subconscious are the conscious mind and the soul. The soul will program the subconscious before birth. Sometimes the soul will program the subconscious after birth if the missions for this life have changed. The conscious mind will program the subconscious mind daliy. With thoughts, emotions, symbols, and colors. It is important to note that the ego is a subconscious program that likes to highjack the conscious mind.

The subconscious creates your reality. Your subconscious gets information from your conscious mind on what you want your reality to be. If you are thinking how much life sucks the subconscious will create more life sucking moments. If on the other hand life is sucking, but there is a moment that doesn't suck. Like your friend sharing candy or something. You can focus on this one good moment and create more like that.

Steps to shift from a sucky life to a good life

1. Be on the look out for not so bad moments or even good moments.

2. Once you have one be thankful for it.

3. Try to see how it feels in your body. Hold on to that as long as possible. Enjoy it.

4. Try to recreate the feeling and be thankful again.

5. Repeat at least once a day until a new moment happens. Then repeat with that moment or even both.

Please feel free to use the coloring pages on this page.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Solar Plexus Clearing Light Codes

Channeled light code grid from the Whale Matrix of Magnetic Service.

This grid is for clearing emotional blockages and patterns stuck within the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus is the home of the ego. These emotional blockages and patterns will be related to realities the ego has made up. The stories of wrongs others have done towards you that you are holding on to. I see this in my kids all the time. Someone does something to someone else and they always say "he did ____ to me so I did ____ to him". This is just one example of the ego at play. The ego will not release wrongs done to you.

The ego will make you react in certain ways based on past experiences. This keep you forever trapped in a loop of revenge, anger, and fear. It is time to release this. Stop holding on to the past.

In reality no one can do anything to you that you have not agreed to on some level. Ego likes to blame, but in reality you created the siutation for experience on some level. This is a hard truth to swallow.

To use the grid look at, meditate on, hold hand over, draw, color.

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Dolphin Matrix and Chakra Connection

This channeled coloring grid is to connect to the Dolphin Matrix and Chakra. The chakra is located within the earth below the Earth Star chakra.

-this attunes us to the central star started within the Dolphin brain. Connecting us to our Monad. Assisting us in sacred wisdom.

- awakening unconditional love, the true self (Monad), and inner Divinity.

Use in meditation, crystal gridding, look at, hold hand over.

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Dolphins come from Sirius B. They are here to anchor light within the oceans. This assist in the Ascension of Earth and us. They protect and work with the energy vortexes within the oceans. When jumping and spinning they create vortexes. These enhance the energy of the whole pod. This also energizes the earth vortexes shifting the energies. They are amazing ascended brings.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Eclipse Activation

Every eclipse is a chance for activation. The activations are based on what sign the eclipse is in , what planets are close by making patterns with the eclipse, and if the eclipse has a full moon or new moon with it. The new moon will bring in new beginnings. The full moon will clear out the old.

The next eclipse is on July 12th. This eclipse also comes with new moon energies. This is a time of new beginnings. This eclipse will allow us to shake off the old and start to learn new things.

We are being asked to honor who we are today and how far we have come. We are also asked to notice where we are going in life. Think of the parts of you you have been wanting to change. Look back over you life where did this start? What was the worse time for this? Now think of how far you have come. What has improved? You have done great so far. All is asked of us is to be better then we were yesterday.

Now after seeing how far you have actually came you can start to see where you want to go. Trying everyday to catch yourself in the old patterns. Making a mental note of these. Then change your mood in that moment. Asking forgiveness and letting it go. Change cones in baby steps. Soon you will be able to catch the behavior before it even starts. Then shifting your mood before you even act.

Use this as a meditation piece.
This can be looked at, held, hold your hand over or colored (link below). Use the symbol in the middle to write on your hand or a paper and placed in your pocket to bring in the activations.

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