Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Chakras

The chakras are energy vortexes 

These chakras store energy and help in creating our reality. Each chakra is in charge of filtering energy in and out of it for different areas in our life. As you can see from the picture there is a front and back to each chakra, but the top (crown) and bottom (root). The crown and root are also responsible for energy coming in and going out of the body connecting us to Earth and Source.  The back is the past, the root cause of the illness, the past experiences and energy build up.  The front holds logic and the limitation of the human plane. The back holds limitlessness and freedom form earthly matrix. The front is the conscious the back is the unconscious. The front must follow the laws of physics the back is unlimited (this is where manifestation becomes easier).

  1.  The root (1st chakra) the red chakra is for survival. Having to eat, sleep, and stay warm and dry. This is what keeps us rooted in this reality. It is all about what we have and what we want. Very physical. 
  2. The sacral chakra (2nd chakra) the orange chakra in for our emotions and creativity. This is where we get or creative urges from. We also store our feelings and how we think others feel about us here.
  3. The solar plexus chakra (3rd chakra) the yellow chakra is where your ego lives. This is where the that voice that talks down to you, tells you stories over and over about situations, and your views about yourself. This is also your drive to what you need to do.
  4. The heart chakra (4th chakra) the green chakra this is for love and the rightful seat of your higher self. Through this chakra you can open to unconditional love. You can connect to your higher self and even pull it into your heart. Gaining better knowledge of you and what you should do. 
  5. The throat chakra (5th chakra) the blue is for communication. This chakra helps you be able to express your self in words. It is also a very powerful way to manifest. Through the spoken words things are manifested far easier. 
  6. The third eye chakra (6th chakra) dark blue or indigo is for your psychic abilities. This chakra helps you become more aware of the world around you that can not be seen. It is the home of the imagination. The imagination is your tool for remote viewing, healing, astral travel, and all other fun things like that. 
  7. The crown chakra (7th chakra) the purple or violet is for your connecting to source. This chakra opens the door of more energy from souce coming into your body. Raising your vibration. The higher your vibration is the less bad things you will go through. 

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