Thursday, May 24, 2018

Same triple numbers meaning

When you see numbers that catch your eye it is the universe trying to talk to you. Nothing happens in this world by accident. Each number has a meaning. The more you notice the numbers and decide the meaning the more it will happen. Pay close attention to what you are doing and thinking when you see the numbers.

111- manifestation
The universe is saying it is time for you to manifest (create) your reality. Think of the life/world you want to live in.

222- be yourself
You are being told it is ok to be you. Let you uniqueness shine for all to see. You are perfect the way you are.

333- Christ consciousness
High vibrations at this time. Connect to the Christ consciousness energy and wash away negativity.

444- Angels and guides
You guides and angels are with you now. They will help with all you need.

555- Change
The universe says it is time to make a positive change in your life.

666- Balance
You need to balance your energy. Quiet the mind and balance the emotions.

777- Learning
There is a lesson to be learned right now. Expand beyond the problem.

888- Upgrade
You are now getting a DNA upgrade, channeled message, download of information, or activation from higher beings. Be open.

999- Big life lessons
When seeing this number you are being told that this is a big lesson. That this hardships, lose, or pain is all part of the plan. You are protected and have faith this will all work out in the end. Only when we trun around to see what we have gone through do we see how far we have come. 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome sauce! My body started to tigle all over reading this as I see 111, 11:11, 222, 2222, 33, 333, 444 all the time;-)
