Sunday, May 13, 2018

Coloring Grids #1

These coloring Grids work like mandalas. Working with these is a form of meditation. You can color or paint them thinking about what you want to change. Feel as if this change has happened already. What would it be like if it happened? How would you feel?

Afterwards hang it on your wall. Or carry it with you. A fun thing to do is make a collage of what you want to happen. 

You may also use crystals and make grids with these. The crystals don't have to be actually there with you you can print them out and still receive the energy of them. Shhhh don't tell crystal sellers 😀

Click on the grid and download it. Then print it out as big or small as you like. 

This grid is for making friends. This is a good grid for starting a new school or any time you would like more friends. Many on the Ascension path have a hard time making friends or are different in some way. This grid helps with that. 

This grid is to gain focus. This is a great grid for homework or studying of any kind. It also works while playing sports, having a concert, or performing in a play. 

Have a problem you need answers to? This grid helps bring the answers to you. Think if the problem as you color if you mind goes blank let it. Pay attention to see if the answer comes to you. It may help to put this under your pillow. Try to remember your dreams and look them up. I use Dream Moods dream dictionary. Online free. 

Freedom of self expression. Growing up is hard and it is even harder when you are being pressured to be like everyone else. This grid give you the courage to be you. Dye your hair, play in band, know all the answers or none of them, be caring, help others, help the Earth, heal others, stop eating meat... Whatever you want to do that others may think your odd do it. Carry with you for the courage you need to hold your head up and say this is me. 

Gain intuitive creativity with this grid. No matter what you need to be more creative with this grid will help you. Maybe you need to write a paper or make a model. Maybe you just want to write poetry, draw, or write stories. 

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