Thursday, May 24, 2018

Same triple numbers meaning

When you see numbers that catch your eye it is the universe trying to talk to you. Nothing happens in this world by accident. Each number has a meaning. The more you notice the numbers and decide the meaning the more it will happen. Pay close attention to what you are doing and thinking when you see the numbers.

111- manifestation
The universe is saying it is time for you to manifest (create) your reality. Think of the life/world you want to live in.

222- be yourself
You are being told it is ok to be you. Let you uniqueness shine for all to see. You are perfect the way you are.

333- Christ consciousness
High vibrations at this time. Connect to the Christ consciousness energy and wash away negativity.

444- Angels and guides
You guides and angels are with you now. They will help with all you need.

555- Change
The universe says it is time to make a positive change in your life.

666- Balance
You need to balance your energy. Quiet the mind and balance the emotions.

777- Learning
There is a lesson to be learned right now. Expand beyond the problem.

888- Upgrade
You are now getting a DNA upgrade, channeled message, download of information, or activation from higher beings. Be open.

999- Big life lessons
When seeing this number you are being told that this is a big lesson. That this hardships, lose, or pain is all part of the plan. You are protected and have faith this will all work out in the end. Only when we trun around to see what we have gone through do we see how far we have come. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Creating Pendulums

These only took a few minutes for us to make. We used the technique from this video with crystals and copper wire we already had.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Healing Cancer with grids

The healing grids and meaning

The 2 Healing Grids that resonated with kybwarrmy  princess I'm healing the most are #1 for overall cancer healing and #2 for Removing obstacles to cancer treatment and increases receptivity to treatment. She picked many others also. 

These grids can be placed under a pillow, hung up in the room (as we did), looked at, laminated and handled (so it doesn't rip on cause paper cut), meditated with, used in energy healing (I will go over it in a minute), placed on the body, crystal grids... The possibilities are endless. Do what feels right.

Using crystals on the healing grids

The crystals I picked are:

1. Overall Cancer Healing Grid: sodalite, smokey quartz, labradorite, green fluorite, lepidolite.

2. Removing obstacles to cancer treatment and increases receptivity to treatmentGrid: smokey quartz, sodalite, Carnelian, amethyst Pyramid.

Crystal Meaning

Smokey quartz- chemotherapy, radiation therapy related illness, pain, fear, geopathicstress, grounding, electromagnetic smog, detox, positive vibes.

Sodalite - electromagnetic stresses, panic attack, mental confusion, cellular memories, bring higher mind into physical, emotional balance, release core fears, fevers, lymphatic system, immune system, radiation damage.

Labradorite- alignment of physical and etheric bodies, transformation, preventing energy leaks, banish fear, radiationtreatment, stress.

Green fluorite- balance, worry, cells, bone,DNA damage, pain, aura, chakras, cleanser.

Lepidolite- emotional, immune system, restructuring DNA, inducing calm, electromagnetic smog, chakras.

Carnelian- emotional, blood, absorbingvitamins and minerals, bones.

Amethyst- pain, geopathic stress, fear,anxiety, immune system, blood, cellular.

Pyramid- very healing and balancing effect.

How I used the grids and energy healing

1. What I did was set up these crystal grids and I took a picture and gave them to her to hang up.

2. I Multidimensionally connected to her higher self
and asked for access to her divine matrix. The energy field around the body and aura. 
While at her divine matrix I asked to place these two crystal grids within her matrix. I placed them to cover her whole body. (This is all done in the imagination) 

3. I also charge them twice a day and whenever she is getting treatment. This is done by sending energy to them.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Chakras

The chakras are energy vortexes 

These chakras store energy and help in creating our reality. Each chakra is in charge of filtering energy in and out of it for different areas in our life. As you can see from the picture there is a front and back to each chakra, but the top (crown) and bottom (root). The crown and root are also responsible for energy coming in and going out of the body connecting us to Earth and Source.  The back is the past, the root cause of the illness, the past experiences and energy build up.  The front holds logic and the limitation of the human plane. The back holds limitlessness and freedom form earthly matrix. The front is the conscious the back is the unconscious. The front must follow the laws of physics the back is unlimited (this is where manifestation becomes easier).

  1.  The root (1st chakra) the red chakra is for survival. Having to eat, sleep, and stay warm and dry. This is what keeps us rooted in this reality. It is all about what we have and what we want. Very physical. 
  2. The sacral chakra (2nd chakra) the orange chakra in for our emotions and creativity. This is where we get or creative urges from. We also store our feelings and how we think others feel about us here.
  3. The solar plexus chakra (3rd chakra) the yellow chakra is where your ego lives. This is where the that voice that talks down to you, tells you stories over and over about situations, and your views about yourself. This is also your drive to what you need to do.
  4. The heart chakra (4th chakra) the green chakra this is for love and the rightful seat of your higher self. Through this chakra you can open to unconditional love. You can connect to your higher self and even pull it into your heart. Gaining better knowledge of you and what you should do. 
  5. The throat chakra (5th chakra) the blue is for communication. This chakra helps you be able to express your self in words. It is also a very powerful way to manifest. Through the spoken words things are manifested far easier. 
  6. The third eye chakra (6th chakra) dark blue or indigo is for your psychic abilities. This chakra helps you become more aware of the world around you that can not be seen. It is the home of the imagination. The imagination is your tool for remote viewing, healing, astral travel, and all other fun things like that. 
  7. The crown chakra (7th chakra) the purple or violet is for your connecting to source. This chakra opens the door of more energy from souce coming into your body. Raising your vibration. The higher your vibration is the less bad things you will go through. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Playing with our Fairy Friends

Kids need time to be wild. I love that our fairy friends joined in. You can see them zoom past the camera. The veils are very thin right now that cameras can pick up spirits and other beings so easy. Try it out  show us your pictures and videos.

Light Codes

What are light codes?

Light Codes are channeled symbols from higher dimensions that hold a higher vibrational energy. To channel is to have a being from a higher dimension give you information. This can come from an idea, picture in your head, feeling you get, voices in your head or outside of your head, seeing beings that most don't, or allowing beings to talk/move through you. Light codes work in the same way to symbols we see daily, like the smiley face or heart. Making you feel happy and love. This symbols help you feel certain ways by talking to your subconscious mind.

How to use light codes

Light codes are so simple to use. You can print them out and keep it in your pocket, hang it where you can see it, put it under your pillow, meditate with it, or you can charge water or food with its energy. You can also draw it and do the same as printing it out. You can also draw it on rocks and leave them for others to find. Another way is to close your eyes and see the light code. You may place it anywhere in the world in your imagination or on your body. In your imagination you are really remote viewing different dimensions. The possibilities are really only limited by your mind. There are only 2 rules to remember for the light code to work on someone they need to see it or it should be in their energy field. Seeing the light code counts when it is in your imagination also.

A few light codes I have on hand for you:

DNA healing

Energetic Clearing



I will post more soon

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

New Moon 5-15-18

The new moon is a time to start new projects. We made some vision boards for our focus this month. Throughout the month when there is an issue in the house we will go to the boards to help us see the answers. We used what we had on hand:

  1. Mindful Moments Cards
  2. Healing Crystals Cards 
  3. Quotes we found online
  4. Channeled light codes from me
You can make on of these with what ever you have on hand. If you just have quotes from online and fun pictures from a magazine use that. Or you may print ours out and hang it up. 


Sunday, May 13, 2018

Coloring Grids #1

These coloring Grids work like mandalas. Working with these is a form of meditation. You can color or paint them thinking about what you want to change. Feel as if this change has happened already. What would it be like if it happened? How would you feel?

Afterwards hang it on your wall. Or carry it with you. A fun thing to do is make a collage of what you want to happen. 

You may also use crystals and make grids with these. The crystals don't have to be actually there with you you can print them out and still receive the energy of them. Shhhh don't tell crystal sellers 😀

Click on the grid and download it. Then print it out as big or small as you like. 

This grid is for making friends. This is a good grid for starting a new school or any time you would like more friends. Many on the Ascension path have a hard time making friends or are different in some way. This grid helps with that. 

This grid is to gain focus. This is a great grid for homework or studying of any kind. It also works while playing sports, having a concert, or performing in a play. 

Have a problem you need answers to? This grid helps bring the answers to you. Think if the problem as you color if you mind goes blank let it. Pay attention to see if the answer comes to you. It may help to put this under your pillow. Try to remember your dreams and look them up. I use Dream Moods dream dictionary. Online free. 

Freedom of self expression. Growing up is hard and it is even harder when you are being pressured to be like everyone else. This grid give you the courage to be you. Dye your hair, play in band, know all the answers or none of them, be caring, help others, help the Earth, heal others, stop eating meat... Whatever you want to do that others may think your odd do it. Carry with you for the courage you need to hold your head up and say this is me. 

Gain intuitive creativity with this grid. No matter what you need to be more creative with this grid will help you. Maybe you need to write a paper or make a model. Maybe you just want to write poetry, draw, or write stories. 

Healing with essence or energy signatures

Multidimensional Healing allows you to work outside of time and space. Once you stretch your mind enough you will be able to grab the essence or energy signature of  something and apply it in healing

I found this by accident. For a whole week everytime I heald my coffee I felt more awake. I would take a few sips and have that to much caffeine feeling. I was subconsciously allowing the energy signature of the coffee within my energy field. Therefore, I didn't need to drink the coffee to get it's effects. That was a very high vibrational week for me. 

To startsusing this to healing is pretty simple. 

1. You can physically hold something during healing for example maybe peppermint essential oil for nausea.

2. See, feel, KNOW this energy signature of the peppermint oil is flowing through you. Then send that energy signature to the person. Just think of the person and see the energy all around and inside them. 

3. Once you have that down you can just use pictures to grab the energy signature.

4. After that you will just have to think of it to grab the energy signature.

Cancer Healing working with chemotherapy

When you are fighting something like cancer you want to give yourself the best chance possible. Most people fighting cancer will choose chemotherapy. Choosing this option makes people feel save and that is ok. If it was me I would probably choose a mixture of Western medicine, natural medicine, and energy Healing. It is no secret though that chemotherapy kills all cells, cancerous and non cancerous. This then causes a laundry list of side effects.

The role of Multidimensional Healing when working with chemotherapy is to assist the good cells in fighting and help ease the side effects. Before chemotherapy starts it is important to try to bring as may of the cancerous cells into light as possible. I explain this in a different postpfound here. In this post I will go through some of the skills I have channeled/ remembered for healing cancer after chemotherapy starts. These skills help in protection of the good cells, destroying of the cancerous cells, and with side effects.


First you want to set up and keep a good protection around these good cells. What I do goes something like this. Do what feel right for you. There is no right or wrong. 

  •  Connection to my God self (this is the higher self).
    Pulling this self within the heart center. 
    Expanding the God self to all  cells and energy field.
    Bringing in as much energy as the body can handle. (This provides a clear channel for energy to flow.)

  • Connection to Earth and Source. See roots of life deep down into the Earth pull her energy up, including energy of all the crystals on Earth. Bringing in as much as your body can handle.
    See Source light coming down in and around your body forming protection and increasing Energy. Bringing in as much as your body can handle. (This grounds you and protects you from 
    beings that are attracted to your light.)

  •  Connection to the person being healed higher self. Asking permission to heal and explaining your intentions. Requesting access to their Divine Matrix. (The Divine Matrix is the field around the outside of the energy fields. This has all information about theperson in this incarnation. You can alsoaccess all cells from this point.)

  • Seeing what is going on in the body. Remember from my first post in Healing cancer (found here) I stated as above do below. These cells weather cancerous or not are like little beings to our body much like we are little beings to the Earth. They are being hit by nuclear weapons (chemotherapy). So think of what kind of protection they need to survive this. I gave them little suits to wear like ones people would wear to clean nuclear waste. This helps my mind focus on the type of protection I am applying. You may use what works for you.

  • From the Divine Matrix of the person you can access all cells on all dimensions and timelines for this incarnation. I often see a round structure with many golden lights. Inside the structure is the person. Each light connects to a good cell. I also see much dimmer lights these are the cancerous cells.

At this point you can target the good cells and apply protection. Make sure this is in all dimensions and timelines. You may just say "protection in this timeline and all timelines. In this dimension and all dimensions. You will also want to heal all good cells. I also set up healing portals within the body in areas the cells will need it most. To me it looks like a pyramid with a healer inside. 
I do this twice daily. EVERYDAY. I renew protection and heal all good cells. 

Destroying of Cancerous Cells

At first I was unable too destroy the cancerous cells. Energy healing does no harm so you can't go in a blast them away. You need to show them the light. So they can be cleansed and shown the good side. I was going in and picking them out one by one, plcaing tgemtin a golden bubble, then handing them over to Source. 

I decided to let chemotherapy deal with them and I would focus on protection. 

Assisting with side effects

Multidimensional Healing allowd you to work outside of time and space. Once you stretch your mind enough you will be able to grab the essence or energy signature of  something and apply it in healing

I found this by accident. For a whole week everytime I heald my coffee I felt more awake. I would take a few sips and have that to much caffeine feeling. I was subconsciously allowing the energy signature of the coffee within my energy field. Therefore, I didn't need to drink the coffee to get it's effects. That was a very high vibrational week for me. 

To apply this to healing is pretty simple. 

1. You can physically hold something during healing for example maybe peppermint essential oil for nausea.

2. See, feel, KNOW this energy signature of the peppermint oil is flowing through you. Then send that energy signature to the person.

3. Once you have that down you can just use pictures to grab the energy signature.

4. After that you will just have to think of it to grab the energy signature.

Multidimensional Healing of Cancer

This way if healing came to me (via channeled message) as I was doing a healing on a little girl with leukemia. I shared this on my adult site back in February and I think kids can totally learn this. I'm going to reword a lot to make it simple to understand. 

Special note this girl has been cancer free for awhile now. I do not think it is only because of the energy healing she had from many family members. I think it was a mix of energy healing, natural medicine, and traditional medicine. 

Let's jump down the rabbit hole and explore some background knowledge girst. Then I will explain how to heal yourself and otgers. 

  • As above so below

This means what is happening above must happen below. This is going to be a big one to understand for your visualization and the healing itself. 

"The body has many cell in it and they all have different jobs to do.
Much like humans have different jobs to do. Cancer cells are cells in the body gone bad.
Now humans are like the cells of Earth. Some are good and helpful. And some are not these people are like cancer for the Earth. Destroying the Earth and making her sick."

With that in mind we can see how life is now, we are moving towards light (Ascension).
We are healing and getting stronger. We are becoming less like cancer and more like the rest of the cells in the body. Beings of light come to us and show us the light. Assisting us in moving towards the light. This is what we will do with the cancer in the body.

  • Talking to cells

Your cells are listening every thought, statement, or feeling and this affects them in a good or bad way. If you are thinking good Loving thoughts your cells are feeling good. If you are thinking hateful thoughts your cells feel bad.

"It is very helpful to talk to the cells you are healing. They will listen and work with your healing much faster."

As I was healing I felt a block. I was asking why can't I get rid of these things? This is when the channeling started for this way of healing.

"You are trying to force the cells to heal and be one with light. Try working with them to heal and be one with light."

Once I did this as the rest of the channeling came in the block was freed. More energy poured in. This was amazing like making many tiny friends. I tried asking them to heal to see the light. To become the light. Many cells did join the light and to my surprise they spread the light to many more cells. 

The how to

I am using this in a Multidimensional Healing way though you may change it to fit other systems.

1. Connection to higher self.
Pull the higher self within the heart center.
This is it's rightful spot. The higher self is you, this is your God self.  Feel it fill you. Expanding to every cell of your body. See this energy fill you. (As you use your imagination to see this is you remote viewing. You are now viewing Multidimensionally!)

2. Connection to Earth. Ground yourself fully to the Earth. See roots of light go from your feet down into the Earth. Feel this connection. Pull energy up from the Earth. Feel and see this filling you.

3. Connection to source. Feel and see source light coming in and around you. This is your protection so no harm can be done to you or through you. 

4. Request assistance from the person's higher self in healing. Just say "hey Bob's higher self I would like to help this cancer. Is that ok?" Pay attention to the feelings you get. If it is positive go ahead if it is negative then stop. It's hard to understand but sometimes people are not supposed to be healed. Respect that and be there for them in the physical. 

5. Go within the person (in your imagination) to the cancer (though this is for cancer you may change it for any disease.). Talk to the cancer. Let it know of the damage it is causing. Remember these guys are like us as above (us) so below (them). How many people here are aware of the damage we are doing and still live that way. You have to make them care. Show them pictures or whatever it takes. Sometime the person you are healing will pop up. This is great ask them to help you heal. 

You are on the cancers side too you want to help them go to the light. It is our goal to get them to go to the light. They will become stronger and spread the light to other cells. 

6. For the ones that are not buying what you are selling you may place them in a Golden bubble and give them to source. But again the goal is to get them to want to change. This speeds healing.

Special side healing skill with cancer

During chemotherapy or radiation treatments it is best to surround the cells that are good in light. Raising their vibration so they may survive because these treatments kill all cells. Go in and giving them protection armour. 

Please ask any questions you want or request a healing for you or a loved one. I am here to help. Much love