Sunday, May 13, 2018

Multidimensional Healing of Cancer

This way if healing came to me (via channeled message) as I was doing a healing on a little girl with leukemia. I shared this on my adult site back in February and I think kids can totally learn this. I'm going to reword a lot to make it simple to understand. 

Special note this girl has been cancer free for awhile now. I do not think it is only because of the energy healing she had from many family members. I think it was a mix of energy healing, natural medicine, and traditional medicine. 

Let's jump down the rabbit hole and explore some background knowledge girst. Then I will explain how to heal yourself and otgers. 

  • As above so below

This means what is happening above must happen below. This is going to be a big one to understand for your visualization and the healing itself. 

"The body has many cell in it and they all have different jobs to do.
Much like humans have different jobs to do. Cancer cells are cells in the body gone bad.
Now humans are like the cells of Earth. Some are good and helpful. And some are not these people are like cancer for the Earth. Destroying the Earth and making her sick."

With that in mind we can see how life is now, we are moving towards light (Ascension).
We are healing and getting stronger. We are becoming less like cancer and more like the rest of the cells in the body. Beings of light come to us and show us the light. Assisting us in moving towards the light. This is what we will do with the cancer in the body.

  • Talking to cells

Your cells are listening every thought, statement, or feeling and this affects them in a good or bad way. If you are thinking good Loving thoughts your cells are feeling good. If you are thinking hateful thoughts your cells feel bad.

"It is very helpful to talk to the cells you are healing. They will listen and work with your healing much faster."

As I was healing I felt a block. I was asking why can't I get rid of these things? This is when the channeling started for this way of healing.

"You are trying to force the cells to heal and be one with light. Try working with them to heal and be one with light."

Once I did this as the rest of the channeling came in the block was freed. More energy poured in. This was amazing like making many tiny friends. I tried asking them to heal to see the light. To become the light. Many cells did join the light and to my surprise they spread the light to many more cells. 

The how to

I am using this in a Multidimensional Healing way though you may change it to fit other systems.

1. Connection to higher self.
Pull the higher self within the heart center.
This is it's rightful spot. The higher self is you, this is your God self.  Feel it fill you. Expanding to every cell of your body. See this energy fill you. (As you use your imagination to see this is you remote viewing. You are now viewing Multidimensionally!)

2. Connection to Earth. Ground yourself fully to the Earth. See roots of light go from your feet down into the Earth. Feel this connection. Pull energy up from the Earth. Feel and see this filling you.

3. Connection to source. Feel and see source light coming in and around you. This is your protection so no harm can be done to you or through you. 

4. Request assistance from the person's higher self in healing. Just say "hey Bob's higher self I would like to help this cancer. Is that ok?" Pay attention to the feelings you get. If it is positive go ahead if it is negative then stop. It's hard to understand but sometimes people are not supposed to be healed. Respect that and be there for them in the physical. 

5. Go within the person (in your imagination) to the cancer (though this is for cancer you may change it for any disease.). Talk to the cancer. Let it know of the damage it is causing. Remember these guys are like us as above (us) so below (them). How many people here are aware of the damage we are doing and still live that way. You have to make them care. Show them pictures or whatever it takes. Sometime the person you are healing will pop up. This is great ask them to help you heal. 

You are on the cancers side too you want to help them go to the light. It is our goal to get them to go to the light. They will become stronger and spread the light to other cells. 

6. For the ones that are not buying what you are selling you may place them in a Golden bubble and give them to source. But again the goal is to get them to want to change. This speeds healing.

Special side healing skill with cancer

During chemotherapy or radiation treatments it is best to surround the cells that are good in light. Raising their vibration so they may survive because these treatments kill all cells. Go in and giving them protection armour. 

Please ask any questions you want or request a healing for you or a loved one. I am here to help. Much love 

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