Sunday, May 13, 2018

Cancer Healing working with chemotherapy

When you are fighting something like cancer you want to give yourself the best chance possible. Most people fighting cancer will choose chemotherapy. Choosing this option makes people feel save and that is ok. If it was me I would probably choose a mixture of Western medicine, natural medicine, and energy Healing. It is no secret though that chemotherapy kills all cells, cancerous and non cancerous. This then causes a laundry list of side effects.

The role of Multidimensional Healing when working with chemotherapy is to assist the good cells in fighting and help ease the side effects. Before chemotherapy starts it is important to try to bring as may of the cancerous cells into light as possible. I explain this in a different postpfound here. In this post I will go through some of the skills I have channeled/ remembered for healing cancer after chemotherapy starts. These skills help in protection of the good cells, destroying of the cancerous cells, and with side effects.


First you want to set up and keep a good protection around these good cells. What I do goes something like this. Do what feel right for you. There is no right or wrong. 

  •  Connection to my God self (this is the higher self).
    Pulling this self within the heart center. 
    Expanding the God self to all  cells and energy field.
    Bringing in as much energy as the body can handle. (This provides a clear channel for energy to flow.)

  • Connection to Earth and Source. See roots of life deep down into the Earth pull her energy up, including energy of all the crystals on Earth. Bringing in as much as your body can handle.
    See Source light coming down in and around your body forming protection and increasing Energy. Bringing in as much as your body can handle. (This grounds you and protects you from 
    beings that are attracted to your light.)

  •  Connection to the person being healed higher self. Asking permission to heal and explaining your intentions. Requesting access to their Divine Matrix. (The Divine Matrix is the field around the outside of the energy fields. This has all information about theperson in this incarnation. You can alsoaccess all cells from this point.)

  • Seeing what is going on in the body. Remember from my first post in Healing cancer (found here) I stated as above do below. These cells weather cancerous or not are like little beings to our body much like we are little beings to the Earth. They are being hit by nuclear weapons (chemotherapy). So think of what kind of protection they need to survive this. I gave them little suits to wear like ones people would wear to clean nuclear waste. This helps my mind focus on the type of protection I am applying. You may use what works for you.

  • From the Divine Matrix of the person you can access all cells on all dimensions and timelines for this incarnation. I often see a round structure with many golden lights. Inside the structure is the person. Each light connects to a good cell. I also see much dimmer lights these are the cancerous cells.

At this point you can target the good cells and apply protection. Make sure this is in all dimensions and timelines. You may just say "protection in this timeline and all timelines. In this dimension and all dimensions. You will also want to heal all good cells. I also set up healing portals within the body in areas the cells will need it most. To me it looks like a pyramid with a healer inside. 
I do this twice daily. EVERYDAY. I renew protection and heal all good cells. 

Destroying of Cancerous Cells

At first I was unable too destroy the cancerous cells. Energy healing does no harm so you can't go in a blast them away. You need to show them the light. So they can be cleansed and shown the good side. I was going in and picking them out one by one, plcaing tgemtin a golden bubble, then handing them over to Source. 

I decided to let chemotherapy deal with them and I would focus on protection. 

Assisting with side effects

Multidimensional Healing allowd you to work outside of time and space. Once you stretch your mind enough you will be able to grab the essence or energy signature of  something and apply it in healing

I found this by accident. For a whole week everytime I heald my coffee I felt more awake. I would take a few sips and have that to much caffeine feeling. I was subconsciously allowing the energy signature of the coffee within my energy field. Therefore, I didn't need to drink the coffee to get it's effects. That was a very high vibrational week for me. 

To apply this to healing is pretty simple. 

1. You can physically hold something during healing for example maybe peppermint essential oil for nausea.

2. See, feel, KNOW this energy signature of the peppermint oil is flowing through you. Then send that energy signature to the person.

3. Once you have that down you can just use pictures to grab the energy signature.

4. After that you will just have to think of it to grab the energy signature.

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