Monday, December 17, 2018

Look back challenge

Last night as I was driving home from work I realized 11 years ago I lived right in that neighborhood. I could almost see all the unforgettable crazy, fun, stupid, and sometimes scary moments of life then. As I laughed at that me I realized how much I had changed. Not one thing I did back then would I do now.

As I fell asleep I sat with me back then (before kids) and really examined the difference between us. Not just in actions, but my thoughts, belief systems,  things of importance... For fun I told myself back then about my boys, my husband, my house, and my life. You know what she did? She laughed in my face took a drink of her vodka and root beer and a long drag of her cigarette. Then she said "you must be on some good drugs".

You see she didn't want kids, a husband, and a house on the hill. She wanted to party all day and night. I'm so happy life happened to her. As it did she turned into me. I would never go back to her. I am thankful for her, she showed me a lot, but I love me.

You see as you go through life just living you don't see the amazing changes you make until you turn around and really look. Everyone sometime today look at you 10 years ago. If your younger go back a few years. Then you can see the amazing progress you have made.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Watch your thoughts challenge

Today I challenge you to watch your thoughts closely.

Positive thoughts create order within the manifestation template. Allowing you to manifest a life that is happy. Try looking on the bright side of everything.

Negative thoughts create distortion within the manifestation template. This leads to implants and Imprints being placed within the energy fields. These are like programs in a computer. They run in the background creating a reality you don't want.

If a negative thought pops up counteract it with 3 positive thoughts.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Call yourself challenge

Today I challenge you to be careful with the beings you get help from. Often people will call on "higher" beings for assistance. Not all of these beings are of love and light. Many are on the side of the service to self. I suggest you only call on your soul, monad, and source for assistance. At least in the beginning until you are able to tell the difference between false light and actual light. They look very similar, but teach different things.

Many service to self beings are out there tricking people into harming themselves and the planet. They are doing this by having you meditate using techniques that damage your DNA. Menatron is one of these beings...

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Selfcare challenge

Today I challenge you to trust your inner guidance. Don't allow your mind or what others say take you away from what you know inside in true.

Those gut feelings that can't be explained are usually right. Trust them.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

I believe in you challenge

Today I challenge you to release all feeling of being superior or inferior to anyone. We are all at a level that best serves our own personal spiritual journey.